Daucus carota

Plant Family.......... Umbelliferae (carrot family) ... Plant Height ....3 Feet
Leaf Arrangement..Opposite

Habitat.............Open Areas, Roadsides
Bloom Date............June

Flower Color....White

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QUEEN ANNE'S LACE, Daucus carota

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QUEEN ANNE'S LACE, Daucus carota


Queen Anne's Lace is a naturalized plant found throughout North America. It grows in the open and prefers clay soils of fields that have been abandoned for several years. It may be the wild version of the domestic carrot although the mature root is woody. The plant grows to a height of 3 feet or more with a lacy flat-topped flower cluster. The lacy flower head, which is called an umbel, forms a nest as it withers. The nest temporarily holds the spined seeds. When released the seeds are dispersed by attaching to passing animals. Queen Anne's Lace is seen along many roadsides in June and July and is considered a serious weed pest. Most of the discussion of Queen Anne's Lace involves control measures. Deliberate planting would not be a good idea. Various parts of the plant are edible. The leaves can be cooked like greens. Young roots can be prepared like domestic carrots. and the dried seeds used like caraway seeds. Caution and special preparation may be required because the leaves are mildly poisonous. Recipes are available on the web. The plant has also been used for medicinal purposes

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