NOTE: For Official Information: Phone: 256-564-8100, Web Site: or write: Constitution Village, 404 Gates Ave, Huntsville, AL. 35801


Constitution Village is a re-created complex of buildings at the site of 1919 Alabama Constitution convention. It commemorates the convention by establishing a living museum depicting the dwellings and living conditions of Huntsville residents at that time.

Costumed villagers demonstrate the crafts and and other activities typical of the period. The village has four major buildings plus numerous smaller structures. Included are, Constitution Hall, historic houses as well as and blacksmith , printing , and woodworking shops. Creative hands-on school programs are offered.

Allow two to three hours for the tour. The volunteer guides are very knowleageable on early Huntsville history and are skillful in demonstrating typical early 1800's tasks. Snacks, drinks and restroom facilities are available.

Following pages provide Constitutional Convention information, maps to the Village, and photographs of Village features.